The email addresses

I have five active email addresses. I’ve got a yahoo one that I used to sign up for subscriptions and promotions that I didn’t want associated with my real information. I have a hotmail email address from my late adolescence that I would log into MSN chat with. There’s the family address where we keep… Continue reading The email addresses

The dog things

My puppy Charli moved in with me last year. I spent a pretty penny on her treats, her training, her food, her toys and other items I was marketed! Like every good pup, she prefers to make toys out of everyday human items, and has two favourite balls to fetch (and not bring backā€¦). As… Continue reading The dog things

The puzzles

There’s a Little Free Library in my neighbourhood that functions as a puzzle and game exchange library. In the summer months, I would walk my puppy over there regularly and borrow some 300, 500, and 750-piece puzzles by Thomas Kincade. And now, the puzzles are overdue! There’s no imposed negative consequence to borrowing the puzzles… Continue reading The puzzles

The scented candles

Sand and Fog make the second-best scented candles. Honey & Tabacco, Winter Pines, Cinnamon Spice, Sandalwood: I’ve found their fragrances a delight. Most of the candles cover the stuffiness of closed windows and get rid of the wet-dog stench. When the wicks are all burned off, for a good week or so, I can still… Continue reading The scented candles

The recurring events

I use Google calendars to keep track of my life schedule. In it, there are millions of recurring events that I don’t actually attend. Not literal millions. And I used to attend or perform the tasks with some regularity once upon a time. These events have reminders attached to them: one day ahead and an… Continue reading The recurring events

The podcasts

It wasn’t as easy to delete podcasts from my queue as it was to unsubscribe from email lists. I was reminded of the episodes that I want to listen to, and new (old) titles caught my eye. But lately, I’ve not been in the mood to listen to any podcasts, even the entertaining short story… Continue reading The podcasts

The email subscriptions

Another small but significant death cleaning item: email subscriptions. I’m leaning in HARD to the *joy* of missing out! I’m unsubscribing from it all: hair salon and beauty spas’ monthly updates, bank and finance promotions, slow fashion clothes shops, marketing from coaches I no longer work with, business and property listings, my favourite self-improvement psychologists… Continue reading The email subscriptions

The credit cards

I’ve spent two decades chasing the perfect credit score. I opened as many credit cards as were offered to me. I used one or two frequently, paying off the balance monthly. A few years ago, my friend asked me why having an excellent/perfect credit score was important to me. I answered that I valued the… Continue reading The credit cards